Jul 22Liked by Jenny Gehman

“I want Jesus to dismiss my fears and disperse them, but he dines with them instead. Jesus literally feeds my fears.“

I am actually just learning this now at my age about those invisible crowds called

the emotions. Learning what to do with strong emotions and sitting with them for a little while. Dining with them as you say.

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Connie, may those strong emotions be calmed, as you companion them with compassion 🙏 .

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Feed them…until they become my friends? Just like actual strangers. Once we dine with people, they are no longer strangers to us.

Love it!

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Exactly what can happen when we sit down with that, or those, whom we previously feared!

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Indeed…and in most cases, there was no need to fear anything at all.

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Jul 22Liked by Jenny Gehman

I love the lovely and creative image of inviting my fears to “settle down on a green patch of grass and be fed the faithfulness of God.”

Jenny- Thank you for your sweet little life words❤️

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You're so welcome, dear Beth. May you have a lovely picnic 😉 .

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Jul 22Liked by Jenny Gehman

Fear of what illness will be my demise, or will it be an auto accident? Fear of going through it alone. But oh my, then I remember that He already knows, and will never leave me, nor forsake me. And, if I stay stressed out about that, then I can’t enjoy today! Choosing to face each day with Him at my side, no mattter how alone I FEEL.

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Hey Karen, I love hearing how the voice of Christ companioning you helps to quiet the crowds. Yes, he is with you. That right there may be the bread they need to be fed. Peace to you, friend.

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Jul 22Liked by Jenny Gehman

I tend to analyze much, then have questions and concerns that I can marinate in, around, over, and repeat for awhile. Instead of the marinating process, I am going to invite God to the questions and concerns and see what He says about the path forward. Beautiful and rich teaching, Jenny! Thank you.

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Wendy, I love hearing of this different way of addressing your crowds, and how you are inviting God to speak to them. So good!

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Jul 22Liked by Jenny Gehman

I love your insight about Jesus having compassion on the ones that were crowding! I am carrying this one with me for a while. Thank you! Excellent inspiration for today.

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Thanks so much, Karen, and may compassion win the day 😊!

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This line I'll ponder on all day. What a way to start the week. "May we feed our fears, not so they will grow larger, but rather become satiated and settled, ready to be dismissed in peace."

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And may that be your experience, dear friend ❤️ .

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